Request to Minors

Thank you for supporting our content.

Our content and the content provided on each of our platforms include not only free content but also paid content. Paid content includes merchandise sold by Kureejii on Fourthwall and various content provided on each platform (ie. “SuperChat” and “Membership” on YouTube, “Bits” and “Prime Gaming” on Twitch, etc.). When using such paid content, we ask that you observe the following rules to ensure the safety and security of yourself as well as others.

(1) Obtain parental consent prior to the use of paid content

When using paid content, please consult with your parents or legal guardians and obtain their consent in advance.

(2) Please confirm your payment method prior to spending

There are various payment methods provided by Kureejii as well as each platform for purchase and usage. We highly recommend that you consult with your parents or legal guardians in advance regarding which payment method to use, even if it is money that you have at your disposal. In particular, please do not use a parent’s credit card without permission.

(3) If you have purchased or used any product by mistake, please get in contact with customer service as soon as possible

If you have purchased or used our content by mistake, please contact a customer service representative provided on the platform in which you made your payment. When accessing and using our content, please follow the instructions listed above and obtain the understanding of your parents or legal guardians in order to prevent any problems before they might occur.

Thank you for your strong continued support of Kureejii Panda.



当チャネルのコンテンツや各プラットフォーム上で提供されるコンテンツの中には、無料コンテンツだけでなく、有料コンテンツも含まれております。有料コンテンツには、当チャネルから販売されるグッズ、各プラットフォームで提供される各種コンテンツ(YouTubeにおける「SuperChat」や「メンバーシップ」、Twitchにおける「Bits」や「Prime Gaming」など)がございます。


  1. 有料コンテンツの利用について、保護者の方の同意を得てください。有料コンテンツの利用の際には、保護者の方と相談した上で、事前に同意を得るようにしてください。

  2. 決済方法についてご確認ください。ご購入・ご利用にあたっては、当チャネルや各プラットフォームが用意した決済手段がございます。ご自身が自由に使えるお金であったとしても、どの決済手段を使用するかなど、保護者の方と事前に相談することをお勧めいたします。特に、保護者の方のクレジットカードなどを無断で利用する行為は、絶対にお止めください。

  3. 誤って購入・使用した場合にはそれぞれのお問い合わせ窓口にご連絡ください。


